Rants, Links, and Photography.

Friday, December 9, 2011

I was eavesdropping on the train this morning, when a yuppie woman got a call from her daughter, presumably a 1st grader, complaining that the classroom doors were locked so she and her friend would have to wait outside for 10 minutes where the boys were throwing snowballs at them! She told them to go to principals office to be safe and then proceeded to phone the school and inform them of this dangerous situation!  Now, I don't have offspring but have noticed a shocking trend of overprotective mothers and wussyfide whiner children lately, she was essentially teaching her daughter its better to run from your troubles rather than risk the consequences of dealing with them! The consequence being  perhaps a couple of snowballs down the back! Imagine snowballs in Finland in December! I dont know what Carol Brady or June Cleaver would have done but I would have told the kid to stop crying and start chucking snowballs back and if you throw like a girl, go ahead and toss a rock (just a small one of course).  In this P.C. age  snowballs are grounds enough for suspension I'm sure, But a small price to pay for your empowerment and learning to fight for your right to live free of  oppression!

The other day I was on the bus at rush hour and was forced to endure 15 solid minutes of a boys continuous  screaming. Literally at the top of his lungs screeching "I wan off I wan off I wan off!!" Red faced, drooling, and squirming like a seal caught in an oil spill as his mother tried to hold onto him. I assumed he must be somehow "challenged"  as he was not a teething/dirty diapered/colichy/earachey baby but at least 4 or 5, old enough to say whats troubling him. The mother had obviously just picked him up from daycare after work. What cheesed me off most of all was how she just kept ASKING him politely "could you please be quiet" COULD YOU PLEASE! You do not NEGOTIATE with a little kid, you tell them, you don't ask them, period! No wonder he was screaming like he was the effin little prince of Bratstania.  I'd wager that not a soul on that bus would have said a word if she'd spanked him.

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